Saturday, October 17, 2009

And the days keep going...

I am such a bad blogger. I struggle with keeping up on my blogs; it has been more than a month!!! This month has actually been okay. There have been ups and downs each and everyday. This past week was very stressful because I had a very upset student and a very upset mentor. My mentor issue was absolutely the worst.

So here is the story... One of my classes is a little crazy at times. They are not rude or disrespectful, just hyper. Which does not bother me because I am hyper too! :) Well my mentor came in for a SURPRISE visit.. oh lucky me. Well needless to say she didn't really enjoy my class and only had negative things to say about it. It was absolutely awful. I have never had anyone be so negative and not say a single positive thing that I did. She basically made me feel like a worthless teacher, but through the support of amazing students and coworkers I got through the day and continued on the next day. The class that she came and visited knew that I had been upset so they wanted to know why. Well I told them exactly what happened. They became very upset that someone had upset me so much because of something they did. They promised they would be perfect boring angels next time... haha I thought the boring part was funny. So that was definitely the lowest of low that I have felt since teaching. I have learned from it and now I am moving on and I have come to know that even if someone is called your "mentor" that doesn't necessarily mean that they embody everything that means.

On a positive note my AFM class made some pretty awesome pinwheels the other week!
Until Next Time... Jess

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